First of all a rock stacking, a pic I love. I know Bill Dan does this, but I'm not sure if this is one of his:

I think everyone takes a pic of the 'Jack Kerouac Adler' sign, which runs in between City Lights Books and Vesuvio, two important spots for the Beats:

City Lights has always been a huge advocate of freedom of speach, I was impressed by these banners they hung on their store in the post 9/11 climate of fear and intolerance. At the time I was at the University of Connecticut helping a friend start up a chapter of the War Resisters League and advocating human rights in a very racist and hostile environment. Of course the stakes were raised in the fall when we were preparing to invade Iraq. The pic alone pissed people off, so actually putting these on the store was pretty cool (also a favorite pic of mine):

I was fascinated by this graffiti left over from the 1969 occupation of Alcatraz, I can't beleive the National Park Service never painted over it:

This mural showing solidarity with the people of Chiapas and the Zapatistas was painted on the side of City Lights:

I loved how street signs in Chinatown were bilingual. You can see the sign for the Gold Mountain Monestary in the background (yet another favorite pic):