OK, what's the deal with this? City workers find a broken access panel on a street light and fix it with duct tape? And when that doesn't work, tie it up with a wire? Nice:

One of the many interesting doorways:

I love the 400 Bar! Saw the Walkmen there not too long ago, they rocked as usual! It'll be a sad day when I drive down Cedar and don't see this sign:

While my dad was in college he lived above the infamous Cesar's Bar, which is now the Red Sea (you can see some glimpses of the awesome architecture in the neighborhood):

My mom tells me it was a real crap hole back then, well ma here's the door to the upstairs apartments today:

Words of wisdom from the staff at the Hard Times, one of my favorite lunch spots:

Cool, I don't remember the HT as anything but, I do remember their battles w/ the city though. Completely set up by an undercover cop who hung out there for months until some patron offered her drugs then had the city raid the place...the city was mostly mad that they never closed at the time...
I'll have to go take a look at the bike coop and see, I don't wander by it much...
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