Thursday, August 31, 2006

Uptown, Mpls

For a change of scenery I wandered down Hennepin instead of Lyndale, which usually scares me what with the yuppies and the Gap and the American Eagle and the "fun" bars like Drink...on the way I found this good stencil of Dawson on the sidewalk:

And this neo-hippie van:

And this great rabbit stencil:

My favs are over on Flickr, but I did like this stickers with the backdrop of the really colorful Lathrop Paint building:

These big containers of grease were behind Antoine's (inspite of this, I still like soul food/creole/cajun):

I've seen these wheatpasted prints a lot lately, they're pretty cool:

A sign for "tails and food" over the back door of the Uptown Bar, which has lot of live music and decent breakfast:

Then my battery died! So I'll have to pick up from here sometime in the near future!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Between my house and Dassel, MN

First, on my way to the freeway I saw this really great new mural on the side of Merit Printing (they always have a great mural on their building), this one was done by Juxtaposition Arts:

In the town of Waverly (which, not to be mean, seems like one of the most boring places on earth) I found a good Hamm's sign, too bad it looks new and not original:

The Waverly Village Hall is this great Art Deco building built by the WPA that is one the National Register:

Why was I going to Dassel, a small farm town 60 miles from downtown Mpls? Because they have hired me to make a short documentary on the historical society's building! The building used to be an ergot lab, so that in itself is petty interesting. This old Chevy was used to haul grain, someone has written "mom" on one door and "dad" on the other:

Here are some shots of the building, which is also on the National register:

Go to Flickr to see my favs from this set!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Bunge Mill/BNSF Yards, Mpls

First of all, from now on when I take sets of pics like this, my favorites will go on Flickr instead of here. Why? So you have a reason to visit both sites of course! Today I was hoping to get some good pics of graf @ the old Bunge Mill, but they had just painted over it! So I took some pics of the cool architecture instead and wander down the tracks of the BNSF for a little ways. No one bugged me or tried to kick me out, so it was a good trip.

Just to proove there are a lot of sprayers wandering around here:

Container freight:

This train had a lot of stuff on it (taken while standing under the high voltage tension wires, uh oh):

Up close (I like that, beLIEve):

Underground cables?

I think this says whisper:

So remember, if you like these, check out my Flickr site...

Sunday, August 13, 2006

35th and Dight/Hiawatha, Mpls (II)

I'm really starting to love the train yards (the graf, the solitude, the rust!) is a shot of the ADM Mill and some trains:

Enjoy the art:

Some writing on the wall:

This was awesome! It's pretty cool that this great piece has been traveling around on this rusted old car for two years without anyone tagging or painting over it:

I've been seeing "Impeach" a lot. Is that a tag? A call to action? Check it out:

Notice the can of spray that the kiddies left, they musta hit this train very recently:

All these pigeons were kinda creeping me out:

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Mill City Museum

Taken around the Mill City Museum a while back. Shot on good old fashioned film. Undiluted developer bath for ten seconds to get some random burns and smudges on the film. While the AngryYoungMan doesn't like the darkroom, he is familiar with it...

Monday, August 07, 2006

From the Archives: Yucatan, Mex

OK, so there were a ton of posts in July cuz I took a ton of pics, but I have real work to do in August so things will be at a more normal pace (i.e. glacial) on this site. In honor of the Apertura, I have grabbed some Mexico pics from the Archives:

Playa del Carmen. You have to click on this one to see it full size! Yes the trees are that green, the water is that blue, the sand is that smooth, and the sky is that clear...this is where most of the Europeans hang out in Mexico...

Now this place looks like it serves the most authentic Mayan food you are gonna find anywhere...

Tulum right at the start of dusk...follow the link to see how ridiculously better my pic is over the one on Wikipedia ; )

The Christmas light on Valladolid's city hall...yes we ditched Xmas at home for the warm beaches and cold beer of Mexico...

This is the observatory at Chichen'll notice that even though the Mayans were completely primitive heathens, we have copied this design ever since we first saw it...

Wow that is one awesome sight...possible graveyard in the foreground but they aren't quite certain...

Yes, those are the stairs to the notice some people use the butt slide method to get back down...we also climbed to the top of Coba, which is higher, steeper, and not restored!