Thursday, August 31, 2006

Uptown, Mpls

For a change of scenery I wandered down Hennepin instead of Lyndale, which usually scares me what with the yuppies and the Gap and the American Eagle and the "fun" bars like Drink...on the way I found this good stencil of Dawson on the sidewalk:

And this neo-hippie van:

And this great rabbit stencil:

My favs are over on Flickr, but I did like this stickers with the backdrop of the really colorful Lathrop Paint building:

These big containers of grease were behind Antoine's (inspite of this, I still like soul food/creole/cajun):

I've seen these wheatpasted prints a lot lately, they're pretty cool:

A sign for "tails and food" over the back door of the Uptown Bar, which has lot of live music and decent breakfast:

Then my battery died! So I'll have to pick up from here sometime in the near future!

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